Projects and Presentations

GitHub | Tableau | LinkedIn | Resume

Supply Chain - Units per Hour

“We manage what we measure, but frequently we measure what is easy” inspired by this quote I found a Kaggle dataset with units and pick time to evaluate.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Project

Zillow Clustering Project

Zillow Regression Project

Telco Churn Classification Project

Telco Churn Storytelling Project

Tableau_Project | Post_Project_Summary

Additional Data Analysis Projects

NLP Harry Potter

Jupyter_Notebook | Post_Project_Summary

Fitbit Time Series Analysis

Jupyter_Notebook | Post_Project_Summary

Market Basket Analysis


Python Coding Projects

Simple Python games

Project_Summary | GitHub_Repo

Alien Invasion

Project_Summary | GitHub_Repo

Reading List

“Python Crash Course” Eric Matthes
“How Charts Lie” Alberto Cairo


Crochet and Knitting projects completed during Bootcamp
Creatures | Scarves | Hats | More_Hats |